lezbth: 2008: “Her love’s a thousand miles away.” - “Goodbye, my friend. Will I ever love again?” 2015: “I know you’re happy, ‘cause I can see it. So tell the voice inside ‘ya head to believe it.” - “Tell
lezbth: 2008: “Her love’s a thousand miles away.” - “Goodbye, my friend. Will I ever love again?” 2015: “I know you’re happy, ‘cause I can see it. So tell the voice inside ‘ya head to believe it.” - “Tell
lezbth: 2008: “Her love’s a thousand miles away.” - “Goodbye, my friend. Will I ever love again?” 2015: “I know you’re happy, ‘cause I can see it. So tell the voice inside ‘ya head to believe it.” - “Tell