embergale: Small headaches were often precursors of other events in his life; most of the time, like foreshocks before an earthquake, they were the lead-up to migraines that would cripple him for a day and leave him foggy for a few after. This time,
embergale: Small headaches were often precursors of other events in his life; most of the time, like foreshocks before an earthquake, they were the lead-up to migraines that would cripple him for a day and leave him foggy for a few after. This time,
embergale: Small headaches were often precursors of other events in his life; most of the time, like foreshocks before an earthquake, they were the lead-up to migraines that would cripple him for a day and leave him foggy for a few after. This time,
embergale: Small headaches were often precursors of other events in his life; most of the time, like foreshocks before an earthquake, they were the lead-up to migraines that would cripple him for a day and leave him foggy for a few after. This time,
embergale: Small headaches were often precursors of other events in his life; most of the time, like foreshocks before an earthquake, they were the lead-up to migraines that would cripple him for a day and leave him foggy for a few after. This time,