embergale: He’d fucked up. Unfortunately he’d realized too late; Asking someone with a history of self-harm a better place to blood-let than the palm of your hand was, at the very least, incredibly insensitive. Xanelen had been upset. This was the
embergale: He’d fucked up. Unfortunately he’d realized too late; Asking someone with a history of self-harm a better place to blood-let than the palm of your hand was, at the very least, incredibly insensitive. Xanelen had been upset. This was the
embergale: He’d fucked up. Unfortunately he’d realized too late; Asking someone with a history of self-harm a better place to blood-let than the palm of your hand was, at the very least, incredibly insensitive. Xanelen had been upset. This was the
embergale: He’d fucked up. Unfortunately he’d realized too late; Asking someone with a history of self-harm a better place to blood-let than the palm of your hand was, at the very least, incredibly insensitive. Xanelen had been upset. This was the