timetoboldlygo: incredibles 2 is great here’s whywhen frozone is like hey bro come over n stay with us ur family!!! even tho it’s 4 people PLUS A BABY when winston chooses elastigirl and frozone gives her like a lil fist bump like “hell ya”frozone
timetoboldlygo: incredibles 2 is great here’s whywhen frozone is like hey bro come over n stay with us ur family!!! even tho it’s 4 people PLUS A BABY when winston chooses elastigirl and frozone gives her like a lil fist bump like “hell ya”frozone
timetoboldlygo: incredibles 2 is great here’s whywhen frozone is like hey bro come over n stay with us ur family!!! even tho it’s 4 people PLUS A BABY when winston chooses elastigirl and frozone gives her like a lil fist bump like “hell ya”frozone