night-of-the-alienguardian: badsjw: flameprincette: badsjw: THIS IS GOING TOO FAR This post is bad, ur bad, and anyone who uncritically reblogged this is bad. Seriously. Stop fucking shaming people for their pronouns and genders wtf???? Gross You
night-of-the-alienguardian: badsjw: flameprincette: badsjw: THIS IS GOING TOO FAR This post is bad, ur bad, and anyone who uncritically reblogged this is bad. Seriously. Stop fucking shaming people for their pronouns and genders wtf???? Gross You
night-of-the-alienguardian: badsjw: flameprincette: badsjw: THIS IS GOING TOO FAR This post is bad, ur bad, and anyone who uncritically reblogged this is bad. Seriously. Stop fucking shaming people for their pronouns and genders wtf???? Gross You