fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”
fairylightsandflowers: ya know, being dyslexic can be pretty entertaining. For instance, whenever I see the word coworker, I started cracking up because I see it as “cow irker”