tianxies: some whitey tightey taping their eyes at a ridiculous fucking slant to cosplay a Korean character another whitey tightey askin “how do u make ur eyes look so pretty and Asian” talking about ficking exposed LOL let me see u arguments again
tianxies: some whitey tightey taping their eyes at a ridiculous fucking slant to cosplay a Korean character another whitey tightey askin “how do u make ur eyes look so pretty and Asian” talking about ficking exposed LOL let me see u arguments again
tianxies: some whitey tightey taping their eyes at a ridiculous fucking slant to cosplay a Korean character another whitey tightey askin “how do u make ur eyes look so pretty and Asian” talking about ficking exposed LOL let me see u arguments again
tianxies: some whitey tightey taping their eyes at a ridiculous fucking slant to cosplay a Korean character another whitey tightey askin “how do u make ur eyes look so pretty and Asian” talking about ficking exposed LOL let me see u arguments again