ceejsradx3: Let’s do this! Giveaway is open until July 16 6:00 PM EST. 5 Pokemon, 5 Winners. Pokemon: Chesnaught Delphox Greninja Noivern Aegislash Each ‘mon will be: Shiny 6IV EV trained Lvl 100 Pokerus Rules: You don’t have to follow me
ceejsradx3: Let’s do this! Giveaway is open until July 16 6:00 PM EST. 5 Pokemon, 5 Winners. Pokemon: Chesnaught Delphox Greninja Noivern Aegislash Each ‘mon will be: Shiny 6IV EV trained Lvl 100 Pokerus Rules: You don’t have to follow me
ceejsradx3: Let’s do this! Giveaway is open until July 16 6:00 PM EST. 5 Pokemon, 5 Winners. Pokemon: Chesnaught Delphox Greninja Noivern Aegislash Each ‘mon will be: Shiny 6IV EV trained Lvl 100 Pokerus Rules: You don’t have to follow me
ceejsradx3: Let’s do this! Giveaway is open until July 16 6:00 PM EST. 5 Pokemon, 5 Winners. Pokemon: Chesnaught Delphox Greninja Noivern Aegislash Each ‘mon will be: Shiny 6IV EV trained Lvl 100 Pokerus Rules: You don’t have to follow me
ceejsradx3: Let’s do this! Giveaway is open until July 16 6:00 PM EST. 5 Pokemon, 5 Winners. Pokemon: Chesnaught Delphox Greninja Noivern Aegislash Each ‘mon will be: Shiny 6IV EV trained Lvl 100 Pokerus Rules: You don’t have to follow me
ceejsradx3: Let’s do this! Giveaway is open until July 16 6:00 PM EST. 5 Pokemon, 5 Winners. Pokemon: Chesnaught Delphox Greninja Noivern Aegislash Each ‘mon will be: Shiny 6IV EV trained Lvl 100 Pokerus Rules: You don’t have to follow me
ceejsradx3: Let’s do this! Giveaway is open until July 16 6:00 PM EST. 5 Pokemon, 5 Winners. Pokemon: Chesnaught Delphox Greninja Noivern Aegislash Each ‘mon will be: Shiny 6IV EV trained Lvl 100 Pokerus Rules: You don’t have to follow me
ceejsradx3: Let’s do this! Giveaway is open until July 16 6:00 PM EST. 5 Pokemon, 5 Winners. Pokemon: Chesnaught Delphox Greninja Noivern Aegislash Each ‘mon will be: Shiny 6IV EV trained Lvl 100 Pokerus Rules: You don’t have to follow me