uchuunokokoro: Title: うだくのち (The morning after/ lit. after the s*x)Author/Artist: あだしっちSeries: NarutoPairing: SasukexSakura [Full manga here] Short but ashjaskafdgh *as requested* *********** Keep reading
uchuunokokoro: Title: うだくのち (The morning after/ lit. after the s*x)Author/Artist: あだしっちSeries: NarutoPairing: SasukexSakura [Full manga here] Short but ashjaskafdgh *as requested* *********** Keep reading
uchuunokokoro: Title: うだくのち (The morning after/ lit. after the s*x)Author/Artist: あだしっちSeries: NarutoPairing: SasukexSakura [Full manga here] Short but ashjaskafdgh *as requested* *********** Keep reading
uchuunokokoro: Title: うだくのち (The morning after/ lit. after the s*x)Author/Artist: あだしっちSeries: NarutoPairing: SasukexSakura [Full manga here] Short but ashjaskafdgh *as requested* *********** Keep reading