occasionallyisaystuff: The seventh installation of the anthology by 花霞 (Hana Kasumi) has Naruto remembering how Hinata used to get around him. As usual, the translation will be available here later but it’s up right now on patreon.
occasionallyisaystuff: The seventh installation of the anthology by 花霞 (Hana Kasumi) has Naruto remembering how Hinata used to get around him. As usual, the translation will be available here later but it’s up right now on patreon.
occasionallyisaystuff: The seventh installation of the anthology by 花霞 (Hana Kasumi) has Naruto remembering how Hinata used to get around him. As usual, the translation will be available here later but it’s up right now on patreon.
occasionallyisaystuff: The seventh installation of the anthology by 花霞 (Hana Kasumi) has Naruto remembering how Hinata used to get around him. As usual, the translation will be available here later but it’s up right now on patreon.
occasionallyisaystuff: The seventh installation of the anthology by 花霞 (Hana Kasumi) has Naruto remembering how Hinata used to get around him. As usual, the translation will be available here later but it’s up right now on patreon.