majin-lu: NaruHina Month 2016 - Day 04: First SleepoverHiashi was feeling very conflicted, I bet. LOL As a parent, he had to keep his Byakugan on… what about the keikaku?! Is it all according to keikaku?NaruHina Month 2016 - Official Prompts: xNaruHina
majin-lu: NaruHina Month 2016 - Day 04: First SleepoverHiashi was feeling very conflicted, I bet. LOL As a parent, he had to keep his Byakugan on… what about the keikaku?! Is it all according to keikaku?NaruHina Month 2016 - Official Prompts: xNaruHina
majin-lu: NaruHina Month 2016 - Day 04: First SleepoverHiashi was feeling very conflicted, I bet. LOL As a parent, he had to keep his Byakugan on… what about the keikaku?! Is it all according to keikaku?NaruHina Month 2016 - Official Prompts: xNaruHina