dominantorange: butachankawaii: dominantorange: Sarada’s a “listless” girl? Seriously? Where the heck did your read that?! I lost the link, but it’s from a translated excerpt (?) of the Boruto novel. thank you for the info
dominantorange: butachankawaii: dominantorange: Sarada’s a “listless” girl? Seriously? Where the heck did your read that?! I lost the link, but it’s from a translated excerpt (?) of the Boruto novel. thank you for the info
dominantorange: butachankawaii: dominantorange: Sarada’s a “listless” girl? Seriously? Where the heck did your read that?! I lost the link, but it’s from a translated excerpt (?) of the Boruto novel. thank you for the info