not-so-fluent: one time I came across a blog post written by a pooper-peeved SJW outside of tumblr they were ranting about how one of Osamu Tezuka’s Apollo’s Song offended him/her/zim/zer/idon’tfuckingknow, saying that because it focused on sex
not-so-fluent: one time I came across a blog post written by a pooper-peeved SJW outside of tumblr they were ranting about how one of Osamu Tezuka’s Apollo’s Song offended him/her/zim/zer/idon’tfuckingknow, saying that because it focused on sex
not-so-fluent: one time I came across a blog post written by a pooper-peeved SJW outside of tumblr they were ranting about how one of Osamu Tezuka’s Apollo’s Song offended him/her/zim/zer/idon’tfuckingknow, saying that because it focused on sex