princesscallyie: Got a commission of Jack playing an electric guitar and that made me think of a Rockstar/Groupie Prinack AU so I doodled the pic of Groupie!Prinny to go along with it. dA link Art Blog~ prinny thong~ < |D’‘‘‘
princesscallyie: Got a commission of Jack playing an electric guitar and that made me think of a Rockstar/Groupie Prinack AU so I doodled the pic of Groupie!Prinny to go along with it. dA link Art Blog~ prinny thong~ < |D’‘‘‘
princesscallyie: Got a commission of Jack playing an electric guitar and that made me think of a Rockstar/Groupie Prinack AU so I doodled the pic of Groupie!Prinny to go along with it. dA link Art Blog~ prinny thong~ < |D’‘‘‘