hermionesharry: DO NOT WATCH ATTACK ON TITAN ON NETFLIX! I REPEAT DO NOT WATCH IT ON NETFLIX! THEY FUCKED THE LAST FEW EPISODES SO FUCKING BAD! DO NOT WATCH IT ON NETFLIX! edit: what they did was with the last few episodes they took out very important
hermionesharry: DO NOT WATCH ATTACK ON TITAN ON NETFLIX! I REPEAT DO NOT WATCH IT ON NETFLIX! THEY FUCKED THE LAST FEW EPISODES SO FUCKING BAD! DO NOT WATCH IT ON NETFLIX! edit: what they did was with the last few episodes they took out very important
hermionesharry: DO NOT WATCH ATTACK ON TITAN ON NETFLIX! I REPEAT DO NOT WATCH IT ON NETFLIX! THEY FUCKED THE LAST FEW EPISODES SO FUCKING BAD! DO NOT WATCH IT ON NETFLIX! edit: what they did was with the last few episodes they took out very important
hermionesharry: DO NOT WATCH ATTACK ON TITAN ON NETFLIX! I REPEAT DO NOT WATCH IT ON NETFLIX! THEY FUCKED THE LAST FEW EPISODES SO FUCKING BAD! DO NOT WATCH IT ON NETFLIX! edit: what they did was with the last few episodes they took out very important