purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE
purpledreamdust: So Mir kisses the corner of Joon’s mouth and Joon fanboys over it?! Lol. I think he’s freaking out because he was about to lose his balance lol, but shippers can ship OMFG JOOMIR TOO CUTE