art-nimals: Flower Power: Pit Bulls of the Revolution by Sophie GamandThe artist explains that she wants to change the way society looks at pit bulls : America euthanizes upward of 1,000,000 pit bulls every year. Pit bulls are victims of prejudices
art-nimals: Flower Power: Pit Bulls of the Revolution by Sophie GamandThe artist explains that she wants to change the way society looks at pit bulls : America euthanizes upward of 1,000,000 pit bulls every year. Pit bulls are victims of prejudices
art-nimals: Flower Power: Pit Bulls of the Revolution by Sophie GamandThe artist explains that she wants to change the way society looks at pit bulls : America euthanizes upward of 1,000,000 pit bulls every year. Pit bulls are victims of prejudices
art-nimals: Flower Power: Pit Bulls of the Revolution by Sophie GamandThe artist explains that she wants to change the way society looks at pit bulls : America euthanizes upward of 1,000,000 pit bulls every year. Pit bulls are victims of prejudices