giraffodil: Dance Style AU A lot of people have been saying that Hiphop doesn’t suit Pearl, so I changed her facial expression in the pic to get my point across. Salty smartass Pearl, who can lift her leg straight up over her head and walks on point
giraffodil: Dance Style AU A lot of people have been saying that Hiphop doesn’t suit Pearl, so I changed her facial expression in the pic to get my point across. Salty smartass Pearl, who can lift her leg straight up over her head and walks on point
giraffodil: Dance Style AU A lot of people have been saying that Hiphop doesn’t suit Pearl, so I changed her facial expression in the pic to get my point across. Salty smartass Pearl, who can lift her leg straight up over her head and walks on point
giraffodil: Dance Style AU A lot of people have been saying that Hiphop doesn’t suit Pearl, so I changed her facial expression in the pic to get my point across. Salty smartass Pearl, who can lift her leg straight up over her head and walks on point