sutheory: therealbestselfies: SOOOOOOOOOOO, If there was an emergency situation where Sapphire and Ruby are split up and fighting or something, and something happens to her Ruby, could Sapphire fuse with one of the other Rubies? And if she did, would
sutheory: therealbestselfies: SOOOOOOOOOOO, If there was an emergency situation where Sapphire and Ruby are split up and fighting or something, and something happens to her Ruby, could Sapphire fuse with one of the other Rubies? And if she did, would
sutheory: therealbestselfies: SOOOOOOOOOOO, If there was an emergency situation where Sapphire and Ruby are split up and fighting or something, and something happens to her Ruby, could Sapphire fuse with one of the other Rubies? And if she did, would
sutheory: therealbestselfies: SOOOOOOOOOOO, If there was an emergency situation where Sapphire and Ruby are split up and fighting or something, and something happens to her Ruby, could Sapphire fuse with one of the other Rubies? And if she did, would
sutheory: therealbestselfies: SOOOOOOOOOOO, If there was an emergency situation where Sapphire and Ruby are split up and fighting or something, and something happens to her Ruby, could Sapphire fuse with one of the other Rubies? And if she did, would
sutheory: therealbestselfies: SOOOOOOOOOOO, If there was an emergency situation where Sapphire and Ruby are split up and fighting or something, and something happens to her Ruby, could Sapphire fuse with one of the other Rubies? And if she did, would
sutheory: therealbestselfies: SOOOOOOOOOOO, If there was an emergency situation where Sapphire and Ruby are split up and fighting or something, and something happens to her Ruby, could Sapphire fuse with one of the other Rubies? And if she did, would