sword-over-water: Sokka of the Water Tribe, husband to the Firelord and Prince of the Fire Nation, visiting his father-in-law in all but name, Iroh. As a rule, they play pai sho while drinking tea.Can we please consider their relationship?
sword-over-water: Sokka of the Water Tribe, husband to the Firelord and Prince of the Fire Nation, visiting his father-in-law in all but name, Iroh. As a rule, they play pai sho while drinking tea.Can we please consider their relationship?
sword-over-water: Sokka of the Water Tribe, husband to the Firelord and Prince of the Fire Nation, visiting his father-in-law in all but name, Iroh. As a rule, they play pai sho while drinking tea.Can we please consider their relationship?
sword-over-water: Sokka of the Water Tribe, husband to the Firelord and Prince of the Fire Nation, visiting his father-in-law in all but name, Iroh. As a rule, they play pai sho while drinking tea.Can we please consider their relationship?