The Literary Lord made a TvTropes page for one of my fanfics! AW YEAH! (It’s still a little sparse, but that’s because it’s new. I don’t think TLL would mind if people added to it… that’s what TvTropes is all about,
The Literary Lord made a TvTropes page for one of my fanfics! AW YEAH! (It’s still a little sparse, but that’s because it’s new. I don’t think TLL would mind if people added to it… that’s what TvTropes is all about,
The Literary Lord made a TvTropes page for one of my fanfics! AW YEAH! (It’s still a little sparse, but that’s because it’s new. I don’t think TLL would mind if people added to it… that’s what TvTropes is all about,