fuckyeahchinesebl: (via 《眼袋斜街10号》第010集 - YouTube) i think the acting is on par/better in this than shangyin, too bad it’s been so underpromoted post shangyin censorship This was the story that basically introduced me to the Chinese
fuckyeahchinesebl: (via 《眼袋斜街10号》第010集 - YouTube) i think the acting is on par/better in this than shangyin, too bad it’s been so underpromoted post shangyin censorship This was the story that basically introduced me to the Chinese
fuckyeahchinesebl: (via 《眼袋斜街10号》第010集 - YouTube) i think the acting is on par/better in this than shangyin, too bad it’s been so underpromoted post shangyin censorship This was the story that basically introduced me to the Chinese