so i wanted to go down nostalgia lane and play catz5 and since it is an old game it’s kind of hard to track down so admittedly i used an alternative method of acquiring the game AND IT WORKS but… there’s a problem ok so i'mma adopt
so i wanted to go down nostalgia lane and play catz5 and since it is an old game it’s kind of hard to track down so admittedly i used an alternative method of acquiring the game AND IT WORKS but… there’s a problem ok so i'mma adopt
so i wanted to go down nostalgia lane and play catz5 and since it is an old game it’s kind of hard to track down so admittedly i used an alternative method of acquiring the game AND IT WORKS but… there’s a problem ok so i'mma adopt
so i wanted to go down nostalgia lane and play catz5 and since it is an old game it’s kind of hard to track down so admittedly i used an alternative method of acquiring the game AND IT WORKS but… there’s a problem ok so i'mma adopt