“Naoto was initially planned to be a male character, but was changed to female during the course of development, so all of my early design drafts depict her as a male. Naoto was designed to be a ‘young detective boy’, and to me, that meant
“Naoto was initially planned to be a male character, but was changed to female during the course of development, so all of my early design drafts depict her as a male. Naoto was designed to be a ‘young detective boy’, and to me, that meant
“Naoto was initially planned to be a male character, but was changed to female during the course of development, so all of my early design drafts depict her as a male. Naoto was designed to be a ‘young detective boy’, and to me, that meant
“Naoto was initially planned to be a male character, but was changed to female during the course of development, so all of my early design drafts depict her as a male. Naoto was designed to be a ‘young detective boy’, and to me, that meant