animation of seesaw microbes from Bad Timingby storyboard supervisor Erik FountainThis is one of many animation tests Erik did for this episode. Erik really saved our bacon by volunteering to direct the animation of the microbes seen in the margins.
animation of seesaw microbes from Bad Timingby storyboard supervisor Erik FountainThis is one of many animation tests Erik did for this episode. Erik really saved our bacon by volunteering to direct the animation of the microbes seen in the margins.
animation of seesaw microbes from Bad Timingby storyboard supervisor Erik FountainThis is one of many animation tests Erik did for this episode. Erik really saved our bacon by volunteering to direct the animation of the microbes seen in the margins.
animation of seesaw microbes from Bad Timingby storyboard supervisor Erik FountainThis is one of many animation tests Erik did for this episode. Erik really saved our bacon by volunteering to direct the animation of the microbes seen in the margins.