ropeandthings: callmetits:First real bondage attempt. Went for a walk wearing this and felt so good. Going to try to go to a party with rope underneath soon.
ropeandthings: callmetits:First real bondage attempt. Went for a walk wearing this and felt so good. Going to try to go to a party with rope underneath soon.
ropeandthings: callmetits:First real bondage attempt. Went for a walk wearing this and felt so good. Going to try to go to a party with rope underneath soon.
ropeandthings: callmetits:First real bondage attempt. Went for a walk wearing this and felt so good. Going to try to go to a party with rope underneath soon.
ropeandthings: callmetits:First real bondage attempt. Went for a walk wearing this and felt so good. Going to try to go to a party with rope underneath soon.
ropeandthings: callmetits:First real bondage attempt. Went for a walk wearing this and felt so good. Going to try to go to a party with rope underneath soon.