guise-of-gentle-words: aneuromess: A man with OCD recites a poem about his one true love. It’s heartbreaking. i don’t usually reblog videos to this blog but fuck i cried for probably ten minutes wow Omg go back to him girl he loves u
guise-of-gentle-words: aneuromess: A man with OCD recites a poem about his one true love. It’s heartbreaking. i don’t usually reblog videos to this blog but fuck i cried for probably ten minutes wow Omg go back to him girl he loves u
guise-of-gentle-words: aneuromess: A man with OCD recites a poem about his one true love. It’s heartbreaking. i don’t usually reblog videos to this blog but fuck i cried for probably ten minutes wow Omg go back to him girl he loves u
guise-of-gentle-words: aneuromess: A man with OCD recites a poem about his one true love. It’s heartbreaking. i don’t usually reblog videos to this blog but fuck i cried for probably ten minutes wow Omg go back to him girl he loves u