master-ferdok: Some men are natural born slaves. They were born to serve superior males. And these natural born slaves need to be broken by regulary whippings. Its for their own good. Only regular whippings will remind them what they are and what their
master-ferdok: Some men are natural born slaves. They were born to serve superior males. And these natural born slaves need to be broken by regulary whippings. Its for their own good. Only regular whippings will remind them what they are and what their
master-ferdok: Some men are natural born slaves. They were born to serve superior males. And these natural born slaves need to be broken by regulary whippings. Its for their own good. Only regular whippings will remind them what they are and what their
master-ferdok: Some men are natural born slaves. They were born to serve superior males. And these natural born slaves need to be broken by regulary whippings. Its for their own good. Only regular whippings will remind them what they are and what their
master-ferdok: Some men are natural born slaves. They were born to serve superior males. And these natural born slaves need to be broken by regulary whippings. Its for their own good. Only regular whippings will remind them what they are and what their
master-ferdok: Some men are natural born slaves. They were born to serve superior males. And these natural born slaves need to be broken by regulary whippings. Its for their own good. Only regular whippings will remind them what they are and what their
master-ferdok: Some men are natural born slaves. They were born to serve superior males. And these natural born slaves need to be broken by regulary whippings. Its for their own good. Only regular whippings will remind them what they are and what their