bustindimes: Ok! Uncle! I give!Everybody else is way more pc than me. But when are we going to STOP GRADING ON A CURVE? A CURVE CREATED BY THE PEOPLE AT THE critical point .This is not bad? This is only impressive in the level that we regard the individu
bustindimes: Ok! Uncle! I give!Everybody else is way more pc than me. But when are we going to STOP GRADING ON A CURVE? A CURVE CREATED BY THE PEOPLE AT THE critical point .This is not bad? This is only impressive in the level that we regard the individu
bustindimes: Ok! Uncle! I give!Everybody else is way more pc than me. But when are we going to STOP GRADING ON A CURVE? A CURVE CREATED BY THE PEOPLE AT THE critical point .This is not bad? This is only impressive in the level that we regard the individu
bustindimes: Ok! Uncle! I give!Everybody else is way more pc than me. But when are we going to STOP GRADING ON A CURVE? A CURVE CREATED BY THE PEOPLE AT THE critical point .This is not bad? This is only impressive in the level that we regard the individu
bustindimes: Ok! Uncle! I give!Everybody else is way more pc than me. But when are we going to STOP GRADING ON A CURVE? A CURVE CREATED BY THE PEOPLE AT THE critical point .This is not bad? This is only impressive in the level that we regard the individu