fayren: The Warden of Hell. Somehow up until now I had managed to avoid designing his front side. This made doing this series of illustrations really difficult. It was Zimmay’s idea in the first place to give his chest eye emotive capabilities, which
fayren: The Warden of Hell. Somehow up until now I had managed to avoid designing his front side. This made doing this series of illustrations really difficult. It was Zimmay’s idea in the first place to give his chest eye emotive capabilities, which
fayren: The Warden of Hell. Somehow up until now I had managed to avoid designing his front side. This made doing this series of illustrations really difficult. It was Zimmay’s idea in the first place to give his chest eye emotive capabilities, which
fayren: The Warden of Hell. Somehow up until now I had managed to avoid designing his front side. This made doing this series of illustrations really difficult. It was Zimmay’s idea in the first place to give his chest eye emotive capabilities, which
fayren: The Warden of Hell. Somehow up until now I had managed to avoid designing his front side. This made doing this series of illustrations really difficult. It was Zimmay’s idea in the first place to give his chest eye emotive capabilities, which