female-destruction: I’ve warped your brain. What once was a smart, strong woman, has now been replaced by a dumb, fucking pig, begging to be bred. I’ve pounded every last brain cell out of your now, empty fucking skull. You are nothing, a barely
female-destruction: I’ve warped your brain. What once was a smart, strong woman, has now been replaced by a dumb, fucking pig, begging to be bred. I’ve pounded every last brain cell out of your now, empty fucking skull. You are nothing, a barely
female-destruction: I’ve warped your brain. What once was a smart, strong woman, has now been replaced by a dumb, fucking pig, begging to be bred. I’ve pounded every last brain cell out of your now, empty fucking skull. You are nothing, a barely
female-destruction: I’ve warped your brain. What once was a smart, strong woman, has now been replaced by a dumb, fucking pig, begging to be bred. I’ve pounded every last brain cell out of your now, empty fucking skull. You are nothing, a barely
female-destruction: I’ve warped your brain. What once was a smart, strong woman, has now been replaced by a dumb, fucking pig, begging to be bred. I’ve pounded every last brain cell out of your now, empty fucking skull. You are nothing, a barely
female-destruction: I’ve warped your brain. What once was a smart, strong woman, has now been replaced by a dumb, fucking pig, begging to be bred. I’ve pounded every last brain cell out of your now, empty fucking skull. You are nothing, a barely