strangetourist: strangetourist: Going to be selling all these dresses soon. All worn but in great condition and all are a size 16. Only selling because they don’t fit me now and I’m poor. I know these are terrible photos but I’m too lazy to take
strangetourist: strangetourist: Going to be selling all these dresses soon. All worn but in great condition and all are a size 16. Only selling because they don’t fit me now and I’m poor. I know these are terrible photos but I’m too lazy to take
strangetourist: strangetourist: Going to be selling all these dresses soon. All worn but in great condition and all are a size 16. Only selling because they don’t fit me now and I’m poor. I know these are terrible photos but I’m too lazy to take
strangetourist: strangetourist: Going to be selling all these dresses soon. All worn but in great condition and all are a size 16. Only selling because they don’t fit me now and I’m poor. I know these are terrible photos but I’m too lazy to take
strangetourist: strangetourist: Going to be selling all these dresses soon. All worn but in great condition and all are a size 16. Only selling because they don’t fit me now and I’m poor. I know these are terrible photos but I’m too lazy to take
strangetourist: strangetourist: Going to be selling all these dresses soon. All worn but in great condition and all are a size 16. Only selling because they don’t fit me now and I’m poor. I know these are terrible photos but I’m too lazy to take