someofmybestfriendsarewhite: Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins spews anti-white racial slurs on video Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins was arrested on November 16th. He was charged with traffic offenses, drunken driving, refusing the breathalyz
someofmybestfriendsarewhite: Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins spews anti-white racial slurs on video Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins was arrested on November 16th. He was charged with traffic offenses, drunken driving, refusing the breathalyz
someofmybestfriendsarewhite: Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins spews anti-white racial slurs on video Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins was arrested on November 16th. He was charged with traffic offenses, drunken driving, refusing the breathalyz
someofmybestfriendsarewhite: Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins spews anti-white racial slurs on video Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins was arrested on November 16th. He was charged with traffic offenses, drunken driving, refusing the breathalyz
someofmybestfriendsarewhite: Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins spews anti-white racial slurs on video Monticello, NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins was arrested on November 16th. He was charged with traffic offenses, drunken driving, refusing the breathalyz