hope-movement: WHO YOU ARE: A MESSAGE TO ALL WOMEN. If I had only one chance, to tell you how I feel; it would be these very words. :’) reminders i need to hear all the time because i told myself opposite the first 17 20 years of my life….
hope-movement: WHO YOU ARE: A MESSAGE TO ALL WOMEN. If I had only one chance, to tell you how I feel; it would be these very words. :’) reminders i need to hear all the time because i told myself opposite the first 17 20 years of my life….
hope-movement: WHO YOU ARE: A MESSAGE TO ALL WOMEN. If I had only one chance, to tell you how I feel; it would be these very words. :’) reminders i need to hear all the time because i told myself opposite the first 17 20 years of my life….
hope-movement: WHO YOU ARE: A MESSAGE TO ALL WOMEN. If I had only one chance, to tell you how I feel; it would be these very words. :’) reminders i need to hear all the time because i told myself opposite the first 17 20 years of my life….