nyktamer: nyktamer: SEXY BEACH 3 MARIA v2.0all credit goes do dabnishttp://dabnis.deviantart.com/gallery/i made this because his models don’t have any specular map.use with BFC and AFC so the hair doesn’t appear buggy.http://www.mediafire.com/download/x
nyktamer: nyktamer: SEXY BEACH 3 MARIA v2.0all credit goes do dabnishttp://dabnis.deviantart.com/gallery/i made this because his models don’t have any specular map.use with BFC and AFC so the hair doesn’t appear buggy.http://www.mediafire.com/download/x
nyktamer: nyktamer: SEXY BEACH 3 MARIA v2.0all credit goes do dabnishttp://dabnis.deviantart.com/gallery/i made this because his models don’t have any specular map.use with BFC and AFC so the hair doesn’t appear buggy.http://www.mediafire.com/download/x