houseshead: #hi hello welcome to sam winchester’s greatest fear #it’s not becoming a monster it’s being estranged from his brother #so kindly fuck off if you think sam doesn’t care about dean as much as dean does about sam
houseshead: #hi hello welcome to sam winchester’s greatest fear #it’s not becoming a monster it’s being estranged from his brother #so kindly fuck off if you think sam doesn’t care about dean as much as dean does about sam
houseshead: #hi hello welcome to sam winchester’s greatest fear #it’s not becoming a monster it’s being estranged from his brother #so kindly fuck off if you think sam doesn’t care about dean as much as dean does about sam
houseshead: #hi hello welcome to sam winchester’s greatest fear #it’s not becoming a monster it’s being estranged from his brother #so kindly fuck off if you think sam doesn’t care about dean as much as dean does about sam
houseshead: #hi hello welcome to sam winchester’s greatest fear #it’s not becoming a monster it’s being estranged from his brother #so kindly fuck off if you think sam doesn’t care about dean as much as dean does about sam