camouflagegirl: dohertypeter: i still don’t understand why girls have to pay for pads and boys can get free condoms girls HAVE to have their periods and boys don’t HAVE to have sex This is the best post I have ever seen
camouflagegirl: dohertypeter: i still don’t understand why girls have to pay for pads and boys can get free condoms girls HAVE to have their periods and boys don’t HAVE to have sex This is the best post I have ever seen
camouflagegirl: dohertypeter: i still don’t understand why girls have to pay for pads and boys can get free condoms girls HAVE to have their periods and boys don’t HAVE to have sex This is the best post I have ever seen
camouflagegirl: dohertypeter: i still don’t understand why girls have to pay for pads and boys can get free condoms girls HAVE to have their periods and boys don’t HAVE to have sex This is the best post I have ever seen