bonermakers: I have so many thoughts here….. 1) Friends who jerk together stay friends! 2) I love that they cum within seconds of each other. 3) I SO wish there was sound. 4) Why not help each other out? :)
bonermakers: I have so many thoughts here….. 1) Friends who jerk together stay friends! 2) I love that they cum within seconds of each other. 3) I SO wish there was sound. 4) Why not help each other out? :)
bonermakers: I have so many thoughts here….. 1) Friends who jerk together stay friends! 2) I love that they cum within seconds of each other. 3) I SO wish there was sound. 4) Why not help each other out? :)
bonermakers: I have so many thoughts here….. 1) Friends who jerk together stay friends! 2) I love that they cum within seconds of each other. 3) I SO wish there was sound. 4) Why not help each other out? :)
bonermakers: I have so many thoughts here….. 1) Friends who jerk together stay friends! 2) I love that they cum within seconds of each other. 3) I SO wish there was sound. 4) Why not help each other out? :)