amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he
amysubmits: CD came to lay near me shortly after I woke up. We were talking a little about random things. CD gently pinched my cheek, a common way that he shows me affection. I smiled and made happy eyes at him. He smiled in a way that felt like he