sirtrouble43: One day, I will find her.. I will never have to say them words, because she will do it freely, I shall earn everything with her… Through honor, respect, devotion & integrity… Sir Trouble
sirtrouble43: One day, I will find her.. I will never have to say them words, because she will do it freely, I shall earn everything with her… Through honor, respect, devotion & integrity… Sir Trouble
sirtrouble43: One day, I will find her.. I will never have to say them words, because she will do it freely, I shall earn everything with her… Through honor, respect, devotion & integrity… Sir Trouble
sirtrouble43: One day, I will find her.. I will never have to say them words, because she will do it freely, I shall earn everything with her… Through honor, respect, devotion & integrity… Sir Trouble
sirtrouble43: One day, I will find her.. I will never have to say them words, because she will do it freely, I shall earn everything with her… Through honor, respect, devotion & integrity… Sir Trouble
sirtrouble43: One day, I will find her.. I will never have to say them words, because she will do it freely, I shall earn everything with her… Through honor, respect, devotion & integrity… Sir Trouble
sirtrouble43: One day, I will find her.. I will never have to say them words, because she will do it freely, I shall earn everything with her… Through honor, respect, devotion & integrity… Sir Trouble
sirtrouble43: One day, I will find her.. I will never have to say them words, because she will do it freely, I shall earn everything with her… Through honor, respect, devotion & integrity… Sir Trouble