finally-human: I was taking pictures when I realized I dyed my hair pitch black from brunette the night before my 6th grade graduation to make a huge statement and I’ve never fucking looked back. Whatevs. I want to fuck you.
finally-human: I was taking pictures when I realized I dyed my hair pitch black from brunette the night before my 6th grade graduation to make a huge statement and I’ve never fucking looked back. Whatevs. I want to fuck you.
finally-human: I was taking pictures when I realized I dyed my hair pitch black from brunette the night before my 6th grade graduation to make a huge statement and I’ve never fucking looked back. Whatevs. I want to fuck you.
finally-human: I was taking pictures when I realized I dyed my hair pitch black from brunette the night before my 6th grade graduation to make a huge statement and I’ve never fucking looked back. Whatevs. I want to fuck you.