Black-ish - Parental GuidanceThere is, as Rainbow puts it, “a rich panoply of different ways to experience blackness” (“None of which include the words ‘rich panoply’,” Dre retorts) which is, of course, true and I admire Black-ish’s commitment
Black-ish - Parental GuidanceThere is, as Rainbow puts it, “a rich panoply of different ways to experience blackness” (“None of which include the words ‘rich panoply’,” Dre retorts) which is, of course, true and I admire Black-ish’s commitment
Black-ish - Parental GuidanceThere is, as Rainbow puts it, “a rich panoply of different ways to experience blackness” (“None of which include the words ‘rich panoply’,” Dre retorts) which is, of course, true and I admire Black-ish’s commitment