bondage-bondage-and-more-bondage: witchykink: on the fourth day of bds-mas, my Dominant gave to meee: four strikes with our riding crop, three hits with our cane, two lashes with our leather belt, and one swat with our wooden paddle! On the fourth
bondage-bondage-and-more-bondage: witchykink: on the fourth day of bds-mas, my Dominant gave to meee: four strikes with our riding crop, three hits with our cane, two lashes with our leather belt, and one swat with our wooden paddle! On the fourth
bondage-bondage-and-more-bondage: witchykink: on the fourth day of bds-mas, my Dominant gave to meee: four strikes with our riding crop, three hits with our cane, two lashes with our leather belt, and one swat with our wooden paddle! On the fourth