on-her-knees-to-please: theruleset: After the hand spanking discussion, Secretshelf and I promptly turned to caning. Piglet was kind enough to volunteer Deviant as test subject, and goodness did she regret it later.(with special guest stars @secretshelf
on-her-knees-to-please: theruleset: After the hand spanking discussion, Secretshelf and I promptly turned to caning. Piglet was kind enough to volunteer Deviant as test subject, and goodness did she regret it later.(with special guest stars @secretshelf
on-her-knees-to-please: theruleset: After the hand spanking discussion, Secretshelf and I promptly turned to caning. Piglet was kind enough to volunteer Deviant as test subject, and goodness did she regret it later.(with special guest stars @secretshelf
on-her-knees-to-please: theruleset: After the hand spanking discussion, Secretshelf and I promptly turned to caning. Piglet was kind enough to volunteer Deviant as test subject, and goodness did she regret it later.(with special guest stars @secretshelf