gh0stmach1ne: What if Yang isn’t even trying to stop Raven, she just ran down there to get some motherly advice about Blake? “Yang, if you’re here to stop me, don’t even-“ “No, I came to talk to you about this girl” “..a girl huh?”
gh0stmach1ne: What if Yang isn’t even trying to stop Raven, she just ran down there to get some motherly advice about Blake? “Yang, if you’re here to stop me, don’t even-“ “No, I came to talk to you about this girl” “..a girl huh?”
gh0stmach1ne: What if Yang isn’t even trying to stop Raven, she just ran down there to get some motherly advice about Blake? “Yang, if you’re here to stop me, don’t even-“ “No, I came to talk to you about this girl” “..a girl huh?”