cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private
cornbread21actual: communist: we must abolish private property, like factories, you know places the owner will take possession of anything created on its premises capitalist: they’re talking about your toothbrush don’t let them take my––our private