fuku-shuu: Eren: I remembered…that book of yours.Armin: Eh?Eren: When you gave it to me to read…That was the first time I…Before that…I never even thought about the world outside the walls…I only stared up at the clouds every single day.Of
fuku-shuu: Eren: I remembered…that book of yours.Armin: Eh?Eren: When you gave it to me to read…That was the first time I…Before that…I never even thought about the world outside the walls…I only stared up at the clouds every single day.Of
fuku-shuu: Eren: I remembered…that book of yours.Armin: Eh?Eren: When you gave it to me to read…That was the first time I…Before that…I never even thought about the world outside the walls…I only stared up at the clouds every single day.Of
fuku-shuu: Eren: I remembered…that book of yours.Armin: Eh?Eren: When you gave it to me to read…That was the first time I…Before that…I never even thought about the world outside the walls…I only stared up at the clouds every single day.Of