cisyphus: like for real I should be able to not tuck, or not shave (any part of my body i please) or not wear make up if I fucking want to without it being used as a reason I am less trans, less of a woman or less legitimate as a person. If you call
cisyphus: like for real I should be able to not tuck, or not shave (any part of my body i please) or not wear make up if I fucking want to without it being used as a reason I am less trans, less of a woman or less legitimate as a person. If you call
cisyphus: like for real I should be able to not tuck, or not shave (any part of my body i please) or not wear make up if I fucking want to without it being used as a reason I am less trans, less of a woman or less legitimate as a person. If you call
cisyphus: like for real I should be able to not tuck, or not shave (any part of my body i please) or not wear make up if I fucking want to without it being used as a reason I am less trans, less of a woman or less legitimate as a person. If you call