lomonte: AAAAH THEY’RE DONE! /O_O;/ so yeah, some designs are better than others but I did it all in a whim… orz I had the most trouble choosing who’s gonna be Poseidon, first thought was Armin bc sea? but I couldn’t see little Armin as him.
lomonte: AAAAH THEY’RE DONE! /O_O;/ so yeah, some designs are better than others but I did it all in a whim… orz I had the most trouble choosing who’s gonna be Poseidon, first thought was Armin bc sea? but I couldn’t see little Armin as him.
lomonte: AAAAH THEY’RE DONE! /O_O;/ so yeah, some designs are better than others but I did it all in a whim… orz I had the most trouble choosing who’s gonna be Poseidon, first thought was Armin bc sea? but I couldn’t see little Armin as him.
lomonte: AAAAH THEY’RE DONE! /O_O;/ so yeah, some designs are better than others but I did it all in a whim… orz I had the most trouble choosing who’s gonna be Poseidon, first thought was Armin bc sea? but I couldn’t see little Armin as him.
lomonte: AAAAH THEY’RE DONE! /O_O;/ so yeah, some designs are better than others but I did it all in a whim… orz I had the most trouble choosing who’s gonna be Poseidon, first thought was Armin bc sea? but I couldn’t see little Armin as him.