itsalwayssunnyinatlanticcity: My self-imposed version of the Bechdel test: If I were to describe this character’s plot significance, would the first thing I wrote be “[male character]’s [noun]?”
itsalwayssunnyinatlanticcity: My self-imposed version of the Bechdel test: If I were to describe this character’s plot significance, would the first thing I wrote be “[male character]’s [noun]?”
itsalwayssunnyinatlanticcity: My self-imposed version of the Bechdel test: If I were to describe this character’s plot significance, would the first thing I wrote be “[male character]’s [noun]?”
itsalwayssunnyinatlanticcity: My self-imposed version of the Bechdel test: If I were to describe this character’s plot significance, would the first thing I wrote be “[male character]’s [noun]?”